Bruce Steinhoff
Big Wood Island Georgian Bayoil on board
9 x 11.5 in / 23 x 29 cm
# 19328
Bruce Steinhoff
Gusty October Day Dillonoil on board
9 x 11.5 in / 23 x 29 cm
# 19320
Bruce Steinhoff
October Haggart Inlet Georgian Bayoil on canvas
42 x 58 in / 107 x 147 cm
# 19280

Bruce Steinhoff
Even If I Only Saw You Once, Now I Would Dream of You through Worldsoil on canvas
42 x 54 in / 107 x 137 cm
# 19277
Bruce Steinhoff
Even If I Only Saw You Once, Now I Would Dream of You through Worldsoil on canvas
42 x 54 in / 107 x 137 cm
# 19277
Bruce Steinhoff
Approaching Storm Wall Islandoil on canvas
32 x 46 in / 81 x 117 cm
# 19285
Bruce Steinhoff
Mid-Summer Fairwoodoil on canvas
32 x 36 in / 81 x 91 cm
# 19288
Bruce Steinhoff
Fairwoodoil on canvas
32 x 36 in / 81 x 91 cm
# 19290
Bruce Steinhoff
McCoy Islandoil on canvas
9 x 11.5 in / 23 x 29 cm
# 19319
Bruce Steinhoff
Bid Wood Island Georgian Bay oil on canvas
9 x 11.5 in / 23 x 29 cm
# 19322