Treacy Ziegler (USA) An Open Window

Treacy Ziegler: An Open Window
May 4-May 26, 2007

Toronto – Odon Wagner Contemporary announces the opening of An Open Window, an exhibition of thirty new paintings by American artist Treacy Ziegler. This is the first time that Ziegler, who is known for her atmospheric etchings and collagraphs, has created an expansive body of work comprised solely of paintings. With remarkable facility, Ziegler depicts flowers, birds, unpeopled landscapes and interiors.

We get a sense of warmth and nostalgia from these pictures, where all superfluous details have been eliminated, leaving us with only the essential descriptive elements. Of her work, Ziegler says "memory retains that which is most important and leaves the irrelevant behind."

Throughout all of her work, Ziegler confronts the past, dissecting the ghosts, celebrating the joys, and honoring the environment that shapes each of us. As in life itself, this is not always comfortable, but it is a journey of exploration, examining old fears and disappointments and revisiting lost loves, ultimately arriving in a place of hopeful renewal.

For more information about Treacy Ziegler's artworks please contact the gallery curator at or by phone at +1 (416) 962-0438. 

To view the available collection of Treacy Ziegler’s artworks at Odon Wagner Contemporary please  CLICK HERE  (you will be redirected to another page on this website).